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Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Cool video by Toshio Matsumoto...
This video is called "Damaged Right Eye." I found it whilst looking at my favorite art website: Wouldn't it be cool if we had a art website like that dedicated to underground art in honolulu, hawaii?
Anyway, just got word from E that we'll have access to some crazy video editing software/hardware to get a music video/movie/thriller going. I've been working on some other technology to make our visual display more immersive... anyway....
Check out this video. It's cool. Shot woodstock like.
New Article on LINUS! - "After and Under Construction" by Evan Tector
Linus the Band ( is a local Honolulu, Hawai'i nu rock outfit now operating as a trio. Having heard them since 2004 on KTUH college radio after their first album release and seen them live a couple times, I make a point to catch them periodically when on O'ahu. The draw is double edged; the outright fun musical energy generated and the curiosity as to what inventiveness will unfold.
The members at the core of the band are David Neely on vocals and rhythm/lead guitar, Nikolaus Daubert on bass and Stan Hardjadinata on kit. To be effective as a contemporary trio everyone must be adept, inventive and flexible and Linus pulls this off in spades. Nik plays essentially a lead style bass that never looses flow and creates interest and texture throughout. Stan's drumming is a combined rock solid, energetic and nuanced, pushing the aural flow forward with poignant breaks, accents and jazzy flourishes. David switches between a patterned rhythm guitar flow and lead hooks that alternatingly bubble along, elevate and focus. To allay fears of long jams, most Linus songs are tight, short and sharp.
Musically, Linus the Band live is an open "conversation" where you're continually lined up for the next surprise. During a set a collective "lift" takes place that you can see and feel reflected in the whole room. On top, David's vocals are as distinctive as anything in modern pop, delivering grounded yet whimsical lyrics that will pull you into each song's atmosphere. This is not a trend emulating or end of line genre group, but a highly original artistically driven breath of fresh creative boot to your groove thing.
Into the unjust realm of comparisons... Linus reminds me of early 80's REM when they were helping to "create" college radio as a viable backlash against corporate domination of the airwaves and the "dying" rock and roll. This was a sound that caught the imagination and paved the way for rock, pop, and punk influences to synthesize into hardcore and underground whose creative field didn't fall under the hand of "industry" again until the early 90's. Linus comes up diverse and fresh like that with all the highlights and none of the conventions. Besides remote hints of early REM and also Psychedelic Furs, Linus pulls inflection from jazz and fusions of power from punk sensibilities to craft moving, danceable and interesting songs. In the recent set I heard there was not one gratuitous or over-leaned on element in any song of the engaging hour long set.
This is a band that could be said to draw from the best elements of 60's Beach Boys, 70's alt rock ala early Talking Heads, American and British Punk, and 80's college underground but is not derivative or cobbled together in any sense. They eclipse the malaise and under-charactered 90's to reinvigorate modern rock pop stylings with melody, movement, humor, irony and drive all with a sparse but satisfying post-punk crispness. That's where the fresh and fun come in, there are no stifled "whatever" attitudes. These guys are stoked, aware and can receive and deliver energy.
Linus' first album, "the construction" is 10 diverse, worthy, well produced songs that exemplify their unadorned formative character and musical spirit. In addition to the aforementioned melange of rock, punk, jazz and alternative styles, on a couple songs I got a little essence of Joabim-- giving them a European-in-a-good-way flare. On harder edge numbers, the alchemy of the rhythm section recalls later period Descendants while the guitar layers and passionately delivered vocals have a Nirvana quality edge. They also achieve a rare but highly appreciated interplay of bass and lead guitars as-extensions-of-each-other pioneered in mid-period Meat Puppets (Up on the Sun, Out My Way). David's lyrics, delivered in engaging voice, craft a down to earth portrayal of relationships and modern life in a quirky, practical and personable light to which a listener will enjoy unfolding an interpretation.
"the construction" fulfills its promise nicely, doesn't overreach, sounds distinct and knows when to quit. In fact, Linus in general is a band that knows how to end a song so well that you are ready to soon listen again, not having been assaulted by cliche. There is not one song I would take away nor change the order of in this satisfying assemblage. Great on the open road too, before you know it-- you're there.
"the construction" is a CD that the turned-on will un-datedly listen to 10 years hence and the musicians will be able to respectfully look back on as a good representation of what they were about. I also see glimpses within "the construction" that in the studio/recording process Linus is a creative force that can enhance and grow their "core" to find new surprises and enhancements. Look forward to their "discoveries".
In 2007 Linus the Band is ready to birth a second album. Having seen them live this March as a trio, I have great hope that the song craft, energy and elevated musicianship witnessed live make it into and out of the studio. Linus the blog mentions that they are currently looking for an additional "guitarist". I assume it's to facilitate the new material as it is being laid down in the studio, but based on how they jam as a trio, I wonder if there is even a need? I do trust they're on a good track and know their business. ;) 3 or 4... don't miss 'em live.
At the recent show they showed a killer J C Staff animated movie side stage that was a fun enhancement and not a distraction to their set. That type of exploration and consideration for fans helps to explain the appreciative good vibe people that seem to populate Linus shows. One's friends say a lot about you... That is one CD release party to which I will confidently invite folks and won't miss.
Wrappin' up--- Linus the Band is on the cutting edge of a talented, unpretentious and energized revival of contemporary music nationwide. With all the world and musical history a pallet to be inspired by and draw from, they start from an original place and make diverse elements elbow into an adventurous, evocative, playful and bodygroovin' higher expression. With melody, top musicianship and character back in play-- Linus is refreshing "food" for the body, mind and spirit. I expect these are part of that rarer local breed-- musicians from the distant middle of the Pacific ocean with the potential to connect with the broader audiences across the pond. Their inspiration and jams are solid. Our poi and smiles for now. Oh, and the website is under construction.
3.20.07 Evan Tector
The members at the core of the band are David Neely on vocals and rhythm/lead guitar, Nikolaus Daubert on bass and Stan Hardjadinata on kit. To be effective as a contemporary trio everyone must be adept, inventive and flexible and Linus pulls this off in spades. Nik plays essentially a lead style bass that never looses flow and creates interest and texture throughout. Stan's drumming is a combined rock solid, energetic and nuanced, pushing the aural flow forward with poignant breaks, accents and jazzy flourishes. David switches between a patterned rhythm guitar flow and lead hooks that alternatingly bubble along, elevate and focus. To allay fears of long jams, most Linus songs are tight, short and sharp.
Musically, Linus the Band live is an open "conversation" where you're continually lined up for the next surprise. During a set a collective "lift" takes place that you can see and feel reflected in the whole room. On top, David's vocals are as distinctive as anything in modern pop, delivering grounded yet whimsical lyrics that will pull you into each song's atmosphere. This is not a trend emulating or end of line genre group, but a highly original artistically driven breath of fresh creative boot to your groove thing.
Into the unjust realm of comparisons... Linus reminds me of early 80's REM when they were helping to "create" college radio as a viable backlash against corporate domination of the airwaves and the "dying" rock and roll. This was a sound that caught the imagination and paved the way for rock, pop, and punk influences to synthesize into hardcore and underground whose creative field didn't fall under the hand of "industry" again until the early 90's. Linus comes up diverse and fresh like that with all the highlights and none of the conventions. Besides remote hints of early REM and also Psychedelic Furs, Linus pulls inflection from jazz and fusions of power from punk sensibilities to craft moving, danceable and interesting songs. In the recent set I heard there was not one gratuitous or over-leaned on element in any song of the engaging hour long set.
This is a band that could be said to draw from the best elements of 60's Beach Boys, 70's alt rock ala early Talking Heads, American and British Punk, and 80's college underground but is not derivative or cobbled together in any sense. They eclipse the malaise and under-charactered 90's to reinvigorate modern rock pop stylings with melody, movement, humor, irony and drive all with a sparse but satisfying post-punk crispness. That's where the fresh and fun come in, there are no stifled "whatever" attitudes. These guys are stoked, aware and can receive and deliver energy.
Linus' first album, "the construction" is 10 diverse, worthy, well produced songs that exemplify their unadorned formative character and musical spirit. In addition to the aforementioned melange of rock, punk, jazz and alternative styles, on a couple songs I got a little essence of Joabim-- giving them a European-in-a-good-way flare. On harder edge numbers, the alchemy of the rhythm section recalls later period Descendants while the guitar layers and passionately delivered vocals have a Nirvana quality edge. They also achieve a rare but highly appreciated interplay of bass and lead guitars as-extensions-of-each-other pioneered in mid-period Meat Puppets (Up on the Sun, Out My Way). David's lyrics, delivered in engaging voice, craft a down to earth portrayal of relationships and modern life in a quirky, practical and personable light to which a listener will enjoy unfolding an interpretation.
"the construction" fulfills its promise nicely, doesn't overreach, sounds distinct and knows when to quit. In fact, Linus in general is a band that knows how to end a song so well that you are ready to soon listen again, not having been assaulted by cliche. There is not one song I would take away nor change the order of in this satisfying assemblage. Great on the open road too, before you know it-- you're there.
"the construction" is a CD that the turned-on will un-datedly listen to 10 years hence and the musicians will be able to respectfully look back on as a good representation of what they were about. I also see glimpses within "the construction" that in the studio/recording process Linus is a creative force that can enhance and grow their "core" to find new surprises and enhancements. Look forward to their "discoveries".
In 2007 Linus the Band is ready to birth a second album. Having seen them live this March as a trio, I have great hope that the song craft, energy and elevated musicianship witnessed live make it into and out of the studio. Linus the blog mentions that they are currently looking for an additional "guitarist". I assume it's to facilitate the new material as it is being laid down in the studio, but based on how they jam as a trio, I wonder if there is even a need? I do trust they're on a good track and know their business. ;) 3 or 4... don't miss 'em live.
At the recent show they showed a killer J C Staff animated movie side stage that was a fun enhancement and not a distraction to their set. That type of exploration and consideration for fans helps to explain the appreciative good vibe people that seem to populate Linus shows. One's friends say a lot about you... That is one CD release party to which I will confidently invite folks and won't miss.
Wrappin' up--- Linus the Band is on the cutting edge of a talented, unpretentious and energized revival of contemporary music nationwide. With all the world and musical history a pallet to be inspired by and draw from, they start from an original place and make diverse elements elbow into an adventurous, evocative, playful and bodygroovin' higher expression. With melody, top musicianship and character back in play-- Linus is refreshing "food" for the body, mind and spirit. I expect these are part of that rarer local breed-- musicians from the distant middle of the Pacific ocean with the potential to connect with the broader audiences across the pond. Their inspiration and jams are solid. Our poi and smiles for now. Oh, and the website is under construction.
3.20.07 Evan Tector
Monday, March 19, 2007
Updates galore...
Much news to report:
Didn't see 300 yet.
Been getting great reviews from old and new fans alike. I put up a myspace page to host my music projects...
Played a new song called "Losing Focus" at Next Door. It went over well. I'm not liking the name anymore. Wish we had a saxophone player for that song. Saxophones are selling for $400.
Getting a free portastudio from a friend.
Writing new music and having fun doing it.
Must go to beach.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Show Tonight at Ana Banana's... starts at 9pm
March, 9 2007 at Anna Bananas
2440 S. Beretania Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826
Cost : FREE
Hello again everyone. Looks like the ads are here to stay. I didn't get any negative feedback so I'm going to leave them where they are. I just checked our myspace and it looks like tonight's show is FREE! We're playing with Busekrus, The Crud, and The Whaley boys.
I hope you'll join us instead of seeing 300.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Hello Everyone...
You may have noticed that there are ads on this site now. This shit aint free you know?! oh, it is. anyway, you can now buy our first CD on paypal. It's been a really hectic month. I feel like I don't have any free time to do anything other than record. But I can't believe our luck, being able to record another CD. It's a lot of fun to think about the final product, it's another thing to take 15 takes and still not get that track.
I hope no one minds the ads, if you do, comment or send me an email and I'll see what we can do about it.
We have a show this friday at Detox, but now it's called something else. I haven't been there since they remodelled but I'm told that it looks completely different. So anyway, we're going to be playing tomorrow (i dont know what time). We are working on a new song with a saxophone. It's going to sound cool.
I hope no one minds the ads, if you do, comment or send me an email and I'll see what we can do about it.
We have a show this friday at Detox, but now it's called something else. I haven't been there since they remodelled but I'm told that it looks completely different. So anyway, we're going to be playing tomorrow (i dont know what time). We are working on a new song with a saxophone. It's going to sound cool.
Friday, March 02, 2007
There's nothing better than being covered by another musician...
I was reading through this blog tonight and I came across YMF's cover of our song Hobby Hunter so I played it for the millionth time.
It just really means a lot to me for someone to have learned all of the notes in the song (and the solo!), and to have even taken the time, that's so impressive to me.
YMF's cover of Hobby Hunter, by LINUS!
It just really means a lot to me for someone to have learned all of the notes in the song (and the solo!), and to have even taken the time, that's so impressive to me.
YMF's cover of Hobby Hunter, by LINUS!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
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