Busy past few weeks for me, but I'm back! Just learned that a dear friend and loyal LINUS supporter will be moving to Oregon. Thanks to our myspace page (that for the past few months has been incapable of playing our music, but has been recently fixed) we'll be able to keep in contact. Hmm, how should I list these updates... Played a great show on the North Shore, played another great show in the International Market Place (even though I was an hour late because I was waiting at the wrong bar, but thankfully the waitress was nice enough to comp the drink that I had put on the band tab that didn't exist). Does that make sense?
This past weekend Stan and I went to highway recording studio and re-recorded the high-hat part of "Hold on Hold," it sounds way better now. I also re-recorded the vocal for Sad to Say the weekend before. Although nothing can replace the old recording we did in 2005, this update should make the music video much more appealing. There's a solo on it now! Drinking a "Premium Roast Iced coffee" from McDonalds. Watched "Coming to America" last night and dreamt about eating at McDowells. Also watched "Who gets to call it Art" on DVD. Highly recommended to anyone who's about to visit the MET in New York.
We're touring in 2 weeks. We have a show tomorrow at Next Door but unfortunately we won't have the projector to show a movie in the background. I'm thinking about making videos on the tour (or at least planning them out) after I talked to stan and phil about our youtube account. All plans, action in two weeks, more recording to be done when we get back.