Read a sobering review of the first CD this past weekend and it made me think about the process we go through to record CDs. I'm thinking that anything else we do is going to be EXTREMELY light on post production. I need to just get this stuff out instead of thinking about it too much. Today I got a coffee at Starbucks and The Strokes were playing over the sound system. Then someone changed the song before it finished. Makes me think about how fast music becomes obsolete. Today I'm going to Toys and Joys to pick up my copy of Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 which LINUS is featured on. I'm excited about that. It came out on December 4.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Scheduled a recording session at HR for next weekend
Read a sobering review of the first CD this past weekend and it made me think about the process we go through to record CDs. I'm thinking that anything else we do is going to be EXTREMELY light on post production. I need to just get this stuff out instead of thinking about it too much. Today I got a coffee at Starbucks and The Strokes were playing over the sound system. Then someone changed the song before it finished. Makes me think about how fast music becomes obsolete. Today I'm going to Toys and Joys to pick up my copy of Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 which LINUS is featured on. I'm excited about that. It came out on December 4.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Short songs
Looking through a CD of the greatest hits from 1968 and noticed that not a single song was over 3 minutes. Short songs, that's what I want to do.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I think it's time to go back to steel strings
Ok paul1 and paul2, I take back everything I said about the Bob Dylan concert in Hawaii. I'd give you a call but I lost your phone number. I'm watching the Bob Dylan special on VH1 right now. It's making me think of restringing my steel string guitar to start writing. I want a typewriter with blue ink. I've been writing solely on the nylon string acoustic for the past two years. I think it's time to go back to steel. Played a show at Red Lion with The Pimpbot last night and had a great time watching them perform. I wish I lived in the mid 60's.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Trials Pro!
So we were hanging out drinking and watching videos on youtube about ufo's, alien cover ups, and Russian telekinesis. Then Matt showed me Trials Pro. Never would have found this game on my own so I'm glad he shared it.
No download required to play. Play it online now.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Get your DDR dance pad out of storage! LINUS will be featured on DDR Universe 2 on the XBox 360 this winter!
LINUS! has hit the big time with our very first video game song. It's been in the works for a while and I may have slipped up and told a few friends prior to the confirmation a few times but what can I say, I was excited. You'll be able to dance to your heart's content as LINUS jumps out of obscurity and into the hearts and minds of DDR loyalists. We've worked our song "Arrivals and Departures" into pop culture history! Other artist featured on the game include Outkast, Kool and the Gang, The Bangles, and Franz Ferdinand.
Read the entire list of bands here:
Friday, October 26, 2007
Cool, someone gave me a lesson in photoshop.
Do you like the new graphics? I'll keep working on updating all the pages.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Efterklang Mirador
So I clicked through youtube to see what was on today and who do I see featured on the front page? A video by my two danish friends Sophie and Nanna! I like how the trees are colored and I like how the main character walks. I wish I could manipulate and create that kind of digital color. Congrats you two!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Wow! I'm impressed
I have two new Radiohead tracks from the new album In Rainbows. I thought "Faust Arp" was self indulgent but "15 Steps" is sooo good. So good I'm going to listen to it again. It sounds like Bjork and Thom are feeding off each other's scraps.
Friday, October 19, 2007
What a tight album. I love the guitar tones. "The Stars we Came From" sucks but the rest of the album is really good. I love the intro to "Love in my Pocket" even though the chorus sounds like a bad attempt at a beach boys arrangement without enough movement. And there's even an asian dude in the band! Listen to the album on myspace
Monday, October 15, 2007
Finally got back from our tour of the East Coast with many experiences that will stay with me for a lifetime. I've got to fill orders for "Local's" slippers this weekend. Apparently the local brand slipper is big on the east coast due to its inclusion in the Urban Outfitters catalog. I will come through for sure.
Anyway, I think I can speak for the rest of the band when I say that we all had a great time. We saw a band called Lowercase Blues after a bunch of people suggested that we catch them at the Dewey Beach Music Festival. The response to our set was mixed. I don't think we played loud enough.
When we got back, I went to one of Tim's shows with Upstanding Youth and stayed in the back during most of their set. Coupled with the shows we witnessed on the east coast, that show made me think about the incentive for going to shows. I don't want to hear someone whine or showoff. I want to be entertained, lose myself in the music. As an attendee, I want to get something out of the performance.
I've been thinking of a new name to encompass the new direction I want to take with music and I think I stumbled onto it last night whilst watching Family Guy. "GLADIATOR MICE." Check out the clip. Nonsense. Like the band Fujiya and Miyagi. As the famous ancient greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “Expect the unexpected, or you won’t find it.”
Monday, September 17, 2007
Busy busy few weeks!
Busy past few weeks for me, but I'm back! Just learned that a dear friend and loyal LINUS supporter will be moving to Oregon. Thanks to our myspace page (that for the past few months has been incapable of playing our music, but has been recently fixed) we'll be able to keep in contact. Hmm, how should I list these updates... Played a great show on the North Shore, played another great show in the International Market Place (even though I was an hour late because I was waiting at the wrong bar, but thankfully the waitress was nice enough to comp the drink that I had put on the band tab that didn't exist). Does that make sense?
This past weekend Stan and I went to highway recording studio and re-recorded the high-hat part of "Hold on Hold," it sounds way better now. I also re-recorded the vocal for Sad to Say the weekend before. Although nothing can replace the old recording we did in 2005, this update should make the music video much more appealing. There's a solo on it now! Drinking a "Premium Roast Iced coffee" from McDonalds. Watched "Coming to America" last night and dreamt about eating at McDowells. Also watched "Who gets to call it Art" on DVD. Highly recommended to anyone who's about to visit the MET in New York.
We're touring in 2 weeks. We have a show tomorrow at Next Door but unfortunately we won't have the projector to show a movie in the background. I'm thinking about making videos on the tour (or at least planning them out) after I talked to stan and phil about our youtube account. All plans, action in two weeks, more recording to be done when we get back.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
'Ninja' teens in Oregon not as swift as those in movies
ROGUE RIVER, Ore. -- The three teenagers in hooded black outfits were scampering over rooftops, climbing trees "just like a squirrel," and breaking into houses and cars, police said.
But they weren't quite as slick as their Japanese ninja heroes.
Earlier this summer, an officer chased one of the wannabes across a school rooftop, but the youth leaped into a nearby tree, said police Chief Ken Lewis.
Breaking branches on the way down, "he gave a yelp of pain," and then he scrambled away, Lewis said.
Last week, after months of investigation, police arrested three teens, two 15 and one 16, and seized stolen jewelry, burglary tools, a map of the city and several black ninja suits with hoods and climbing spikes.
The parents of one told police their son complained of an injury about the time of the rooftop chase, Lewis said.
"I believe that's our roof-gliding ninja," said Lewis.
Lewis said one of the three indicated they had been active for a year and a half, and the pranks escalated from flights across rooftops and petty vandalism.
Lewis said the teenagers used a stolen credit card to buy, online, costumes and equipment such as hand-climbing spikes, metal throwing stars and utility belts.
Police got their first clue to the activity seven months ago, Lewis said, when an anonymous caller referred to the ancient Japanese martial arts masters trained for covert operations and assassinations.
"He wanted to know if it was OK for his kid to dress up in a ninja costume and run around in the middle of the night and climb on top of roofs," said Lewis.
"We told him that would be both dangerous and illegal. We never heard from him again."
Monday, August 20, 2007
Art School Confidential
Watched Art School Confidential this weekend. I thought it was great. The ending was kind of odd but it was a good movie. We have a show tomorrow at Next Door. It was advertised in the paper this weekend. I recorded guitar parts with Phil at Highway Recording Studio yesterday. Phil and I are butting heads when it comes to what to play where. Music video planning meeting tonight.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Pro Tools just stares...
With the lights out, pro tools just stares at me with its green and yellow eyes.
I know, I know. I should be writing and recording music now that I have the tools.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Revisiting old friends...
Most of my friends know that over the past few months I'd given up on listening to music. That I'd only listen to podcasts, honoring the art of the spoken word over the manipulation of musical instruments. Well today I revisited some old friends, Rufus Wainwright and the Vetiver boys. I think I've started to make the transition back to listening to music as a recreational activity.
rufus wainwright,
Friday, July 27, 2007
Rough show last night...
I really need to start taking my digital camera to shows so we can document this stuff. Last night we had a late show at SoundHouse. Not sure what they're going to do with the building once they move out. Demolition? Probably.
Let me be the first to let you know that we're working on a Music Video. Finally, I know. We've partnered with Chris Potts of Potts Pictures. He's got some tight editing skillz. More to post when we start shooting.
Found a cool art/design blog: Form Fifty Five
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Dead frog with a webserver can be controlled over the net...
Found this weird experiment on Remember making the frog's leg twitch in biology class? Now you can do it over the web.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Been a long time...But I finally got Pro Tools!
Alright, it's been a long time since I posted and I intend to track my progress with Pro Tools here. That's right! I finally upgraded my recording setup. Now I'll be recording in 24 bit. That's a big step up in terms of quality. I'll be tracking my progress with the songs I'm making here. Here's the game plan:
1. Import all LINUS tracks into pro tools.
2. Add hum track over the length of each song.
3. Compose on the hum track.
4. Bump each desirable part to another track.
5. Rerecord desirable tracks on desired instrument (guitar)
6. Mute bed track and export desirable tracks to CD/IPOD
Once I finish tracking the second and third guitar parts on these songs that we've already recorded at phil's I'm going to start working through a 10 song list I created with all the songs I'd like to pursue as the next LINUS CD. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
What the World Eats...
Japan: The Ukita family of Kodaira City
Food expenditure for one week: 37,699 Yen or $317.25
Favorite foods: sashimi, fruit, cake, potato chips
Found this site and wanted to share the pictures with everyone. Click on the picture to go to the site. We're practicing tonight and auditioning a new member. Fingers crossed...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Back to the Studio
This weekend, Nik and I went to the studio and listened to everything we've recorded so far. We had a few drinks, charted out our gameplan, and decided that we'd try to finish this thing as soon as possible. Tonight we're going in to record more parts for a few of the guitar songs.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Lost year in Iraq...
I don't know what this man is saying but I liked the illustration. I watched "The Lost Year in Iraq" on PBS last night and found it utterly fascinating. Here's the link to watch the entire thing online for free: link to the webpage with the video
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thinking about getting this one at the music store if they have it...
Today I started looking for sequencers for real.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Yet another reason the musical landscape is shrinking...
Now, for just $10 a song music service Music Xray can analyze the "hit-ability" of your music. For just a few bucks more a real A&R guy will give you his two cents too... this is stupid, but i guess it works. They even predicted that Crazy by Gnarls Barkley "would be the summer's biggest hit."
"I know a guy in Barcelona who has started a company to develop algorithms to determine whether a song is going to be a hit. It analyzes music to figure it out -- and they're selling it to the record companies, and it's quite effective. If you expand on that, there's no reason you couldn't have your own personal search engine that understands your taste and can instantly analyze music based on a whole bunch of different, very subjective criteria to determine whether you might like it." -- Moby, musician
One more TED Talk... On Suburbia...
In James Howard Kunstler's view, public spaces should be inspired centers of civic life and the physical manifestation of the common good. Instead, he argues, what we have in America is a nation of places not worth caring about. Reengineering our cities will involve more radical change than we are prepared for, Kunstler believes, but our hand will be forced by earth crises stemming from our national lifestyle. "Life in the mid-21st century," Kunstler says, "is going to be about living locally."
Forget Surface, this is much more interesting to me... Jeff Hawkins' talk "On Intelligence"
I want to buy this book after I watched Jeff Hawkins' TED Talk video:
Friday, May 25, 2007
I want a robot butler... Enter Joey Chaos and Jules - two robots with real AI
Found these videos on gizmodo today. Looks like androids are getting closer and closer to becoming a reality. Joey Chaos seems like he'd get irritating really fast. Dude, fix your glasses! Well, what can you expect if he doesn't have any arms...
Here's his older brother Jules. This robot/android seems much more appealing to me. He's got heart. When he says good bye before they turn him off it reminds me of the movie A.I. So sad.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Interesting Article... If you're not working during the day, what are you doing?
An interesting article by Chris Colin starts like this,
"Two mysteries have followed me well into adulthood: Does soaping yourself work underwater, and how come there are so many people out on the street all day, seemingly not working? Having pitched a work, and not a soap, column, I recently attempted to answer the latter.
Because look out your window. Who are these people? At any given hour on any given workday, well, it turns out it's not a workday at all. Not for these hordes roaming free, anyway. By rights our parks and movie theaters and stores should be minor ghost towns between 9 and 5 -- chanced upon by the occasional tourist or late-night bartender but otherwise peaceful. Instead, they're inexplicably packed. I didn't doubt that the packers had sound explanations. I just wanted to hear them.
It occurred to me last night that you can learn as much about a city from what its people don't do as you can from what they do do. So I drove to as many parts of San Francisco as I could and interrupted as much leisure as possible to find out. "
Read the rest of the article here
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Papercraft: Cool analog instruments...
Found this cool flickr photoset of analog instrument models made from paper. I thought it was cool so I thought I'd share.
See all images
Friday, May 18, 2007
Show Tonight with the Crud at Ana Bananas
I think we'll probably play at 10 or 11pm. We may or may not have a surprise guest player tonight. See you there. Oh, and it's free.
Ana Bananas
2440 S Beretania St, Honolulu, HI
(808) 946-5190
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Show at Next Door Tonight....
We're playing a show tonight at Next Door. That's downtown on Hotel Street. There's street parking all over the place. There are two other bands playing tonight but they're both playing acoustic sets. We'll be experimenting with some new show tools. That's all. Hope to see you there.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Very interesting article on the changing role of the artist in the 21st Century... Just read it...
Just read this very interesting article on the New York Times online. It talks about how the role of the artist is changing due to changes in distribution and marketing over the Internet. There are a bunch of references to bands that I don't care to look-up. The point's been made. Things are very different these days and I'm not sure I want to participate the same way.
Read the Article Here
Friday, May 11, 2007
"Roller" by French Kicks
Just when I thought I had gotten over the French Kicks they go and record a song like "Roller" to get me all excited about their music again. It must be a sign. When I was walking to work yesterday in the light rain I slipped on the earphones and randomly chose "Following Waves" and only stopped after "You could not Decide" because I had reached my door.
So today I went on myspace and found them to add as a friend. As the page loaded "Roller" started streaming. The first few seconds sound like the start of one of my favorite Strokes songs (with a little too much bass in the bass drum), only to drop into a euro-pop euphoria. I don't agree with some of his vocal decisions but the song is so good from beginning to end, I can't help but loop it.
Listen to "Roller" by going to their myspace page:
BAND UPDATES: I'm getting back into Flash programming. I'm working on something like James Patterson's Presstube drawings for some of our shows. I got the Wiimote bluetooth hack to work! Now I'm just deciding how to use it...
Crunch on this... Money saving tips...
"Easy come easy go."
"A fool and his money are soon parted."
Pithy remarks abound regarding money. As I grow older each remark seems to ring truer with each passing day. Yesterday my car overheated and I had to take it to the auto shop again (it hasn't even been a month). I'll refrain from revealing the auto shop's name until I get my car back for fear of online discovery and retribution. Today I thought I'd post a few links about the money trap that is my car:
Four Gas-saving Myths - Courtesy of CNN Money - Enter your zip code to find the cheapest gas prices.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Hello Friends...
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been sick with a cold for the past week and I just didn't even feel like looking at a computer last week. We auditioned a friend as the fourth guitar member at a practice two weeks ago. We finished up a 3 night run of appearances at Soundhouse. It was fun but once it was over, I didn't pick up the guitar for at least 3 days. Maybe there's a clean ratio there.
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. I will resume the regular posting schedule once I have returned to 100% health.
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. I will resume the regular posting schedule once I have returned to 100% health.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
David Bowie is Starman...
We have a show tonight at Soundhouse. We're playing there tonight, tomorrow night, and the night after that.
We have a show tonight at Soundhouse. We're playing there tonight, tomorrow night, and the night after that.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Your Royal Highness says...
Last night was a blast. I had a great time trying out some new stuff on stage. Both bands we played with did a great job. I'm getting ambitious. I'd love to have a full horn section backing us. kinda like this...
Or maybe I'm just really really into radiohead right now...
damn. we need a johnny greenwood. Anytime... Anytime...
Or maybe I'm just really really into radiohead right now...
damn. we need a johnny greenwood. Anytime... Anytime...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Rant Rant Rant
Today I heard a good radioshow on KTUH on the ride into town at 6:30am this morning. The DJ played a mashup/whatever of Bonnie Prince Billy then a mashup/whatever of Aracde Fire and the Talking Heads. It was good.
I missed practice this week (first time ever) due to my shitty, been-out-of-comission-for-several-months car. I am so desperate to get a new member to join our band. I have so many ideas right now that just can't be done with only three people. It's just not going to work that way. I was talking to nik the other day about perhaps organizing a round-table of friends/artist to take turns as interim members, but that idea was quickly squashed when I thought about the time and effort it would require to teach new parts, get acquainted with the material, etc, blah, blah, blah.
I have a good computer but I have the worst possible setup/programs. Listening to KTUH today makes me think that I want to make very expansive musical soundscapes, but owning the world's worst audio editing suite makes that very difficult to acheive.
Rant Rant Rant. I'm going to try to get my car fixed today.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Weekly updates...
Hello everyone. We still have not found a new guitarist. I'm getting very anxious to sign someone up. We're looking for someone with a good ear for music. Some one who can listen to a song and play a great part that pulls it all together. We're still looking for you. If you know anyone, call nik at 741-6450.
We have a show on Friday at Red Lion. Check out our set as we will be playing 3 new songs. We've been working on these new songs at every practice for the past 3 weeks.
Check out our myspace page for more information about the show:
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Cool video by Toshio Matsumoto...
This video is called "Damaged Right Eye." I found it whilst looking at my favorite art website: Wouldn't it be cool if we had a art website like that dedicated to underground art in honolulu, hawaii?
Anyway, just got word from E that we'll have access to some crazy video editing software/hardware to get a music video/movie/thriller going. I've been working on some other technology to make our visual display more immersive... anyway....
Check out this video. It's cool. Shot woodstock like.
New Article on LINUS! - "After and Under Construction" by Evan Tector
Linus the Band ( is a local Honolulu, Hawai'i nu rock outfit now operating as a trio. Having heard them since 2004 on KTUH college radio after their first album release and seen them live a couple times, I make a point to catch them periodically when on O'ahu. The draw is double edged; the outright fun musical energy generated and the curiosity as to what inventiveness will unfold.
The members at the core of the band are David Neely on vocals and rhythm/lead guitar, Nikolaus Daubert on bass and Stan Hardjadinata on kit. To be effective as a contemporary trio everyone must be adept, inventive and flexible and Linus pulls this off in spades. Nik plays essentially a lead style bass that never looses flow and creates interest and texture throughout. Stan's drumming is a combined rock solid, energetic and nuanced, pushing the aural flow forward with poignant breaks, accents and jazzy flourishes. David switches between a patterned rhythm guitar flow and lead hooks that alternatingly bubble along, elevate and focus. To allay fears of long jams, most Linus songs are tight, short and sharp.
Musically, Linus the Band live is an open "conversation" where you're continually lined up for the next surprise. During a set a collective "lift" takes place that you can see and feel reflected in the whole room. On top, David's vocals are as distinctive as anything in modern pop, delivering grounded yet whimsical lyrics that will pull you into each song's atmosphere. This is not a trend emulating or end of line genre group, but a highly original artistically driven breath of fresh creative boot to your groove thing.
Into the unjust realm of comparisons... Linus reminds me of early 80's REM when they were helping to "create" college radio as a viable backlash against corporate domination of the airwaves and the "dying" rock and roll. This was a sound that caught the imagination and paved the way for rock, pop, and punk influences to synthesize into hardcore and underground whose creative field didn't fall under the hand of "industry" again until the early 90's. Linus comes up diverse and fresh like that with all the highlights and none of the conventions. Besides remote hints of early REM and also Psychedelic Furs, Linus pulls inflection from jazz and fusions of power from punk sensibilities to craft moving, danceable and interesting songs. In the recent set I heard there was not one gratuitous or over-leaned on element in any song of the engaging hour long set.
This is a band that could be said to draw from the best elements of 60's Beach Boys, 70's alt rock ala early Talking Heads, American and British Punk, and 80's college underground but is not derivative or cobbled together in any sense. They eclipse the malaise and under-charactered 90's to reinvigorate modern rock pop stylings with melody, movement, humor, irony and drive all with a sparse but satisfying post-punk crispness. That's where the fresh and fun come in, there are no stifled "whatever" attitudes. These guys are stoked, aware and can receive and deliver energy.
Linus' first album, "the construction" is 10 diverse, worthy, well produced songs that exemplify their unadorned formative character and musical spirit. In addition to the aforementioned melange of rock, punk, jazz and alternative styles, on a couple songs I got a little essence of Joabim-- giving them a European-in-a-good-way flare. On harder edge numbers, the alchemy of the rhythm section recalls later period Descendants while the guitar layers and passionately delivered vocals have a Nirvana quality edge. They also achieve a rare but highly appreciated interplay of bass and lead guitars as-extensions-of-each-other pioneered in mid-period Meat Puppets (Up on the Sun, Out My Way). David's lyrics, delivered in engaging voice, craft a down to earth portrayal of relationships and modern life in a quirky, practical and personable light to which a listener will enjoy unfolding an interpretation.
"the construction" fulfills its promise nicely, doesn't overreach, sounds distinct and knows when to quit. In fact, Linus in general is a band that knows how to end a song so well that you are ready to soon listen again, not having been assaulted by cliche. There is not one song I would take away nor change the order of in this satisfying assemblage. Great on the open road too, before you know it-- you're there.
"the construction" is a CD that the turned-on will un-datedly listen to 10 years hence and the musicians will be able to respectfully look back on as a good representation of what they were about. I also see glimpses within "the construction" that in the studio/recording process Linus is a creative force that can enhance and grow their "core" to find new surprises and enhancements. Look forward to their "discoveries".
In 2007 Linus the Band is ready to birth a second album. Having seen them live this March as a trio, I have great hope that the song craft, energy and elevated musicianship witnessed live make it into and out of the studio. Linus the blog mentions that they are currently looking for an additional "guitarist". I assume it's to facilitate the new material as it is being laid down in the studio, but based on how they jam as a trio, I wonder if there is even a need? I do trust they're on a good track and know their business. ;) 3 or 4... don't miss 'em live.
At the recent show they showed a killer J C Staff animated movie side stage that was a fun enhancement and not a distraction to their set. That type of exploration and consideration for fans helps to explain the appreciative good vibe people that seem to populate Linus shows. One's friends say a lot about you... That is one CD release party to which I will confidently invite folks and won't miss.
Wrappin' up--- Linus the Band is on the cutting edge of a talented, unpretentious and energized revival of contemporary music nationwide. With all the world and musical history a pallet to be inspired by and draw from, they start from an original place and make diverse elements elbow into an adventurous, evocative, playful and bodygroovin' higher expression. With melody, top musicianship and character back in play-- Linus is refreshing "food" for the body, mind and spirit. I expect these are part of that rarer local breed-- musicians from the distant middle of the Pacific ocean with the potential to connect with the broader audiences across the pond. Their inspiration and jams are solid. Our poi and smiles for now. Oh, and the website is under construction.
3.20.07 Evan Tector
The members at the core of the band are David Neely on vocals and rhythm/lead guitar, Nikolaus Daubert on bass and Stan Hardjadinata on kit. To be effective as a contemporary trio everyone must be adept, inventive and flexible and Linus pulls this off in spades. Nik plays essentially a lead style bass that never looses flow and creates interest and texture throughout. Stan's drumming is a combined rock solid, energetic and nuanced, pushing the aural flow forward with poignant breaks, accents and jazzy flourishes. David switches between a patterned rhythm guitar flow and lead hooks that alternatingly bubble along, elevate and focus. To allay fears of long jams, most Linus songs are tight, short and sharp.
Musically, Linus the Band live is an open "conversation" where you're continually lined up for the next surprise. During a set a collective "lift" takes place that you can see and feel reflected in the whole room. On top, David's vocals are as distinctive as anything in modern pop, delivering grounded yet whimsical lyrics that will pull you into each song's atmosphere. This is not a trend emulating or end of line genre group, but a highly original artistically driven breath of fresh creative boot to your groove thing.
Into the unjust realm of comparisons... Linus reminds me of early 80's REM when they were helping to "create" college radio as a viable backlash against corporate domination of the airwaves and the "dying" rock and roll. This was a sound that caught the imagination and paved the way for rock, pop, and punk influences to synthesize into hardcore and underground whose creative field didn't fall under the hand of "industry" again until the early 90's. Linus comes up diverse and fresh like that with all the highlights and none of the conventions. Besides remote hints of early REM and also Psychedelic Furs, Linus pulls inflection from jazz and fusions of power from punk sensibilities to craft moving, danceable and interesting songs. In the recent set I heard there was not one gratuitous or over-leaned on element in any song of the engaging hour long set.
This is a band that could be said to draw from the best elements of 60's Beach Boys, 70's alt rock ala early Talking Heads, American and British Punk, and 80's college underground but is not derivative or cobbled together in any sense. They eclipse the malaise and under-charactered 90's to reinvigorate modern rock pop stylings with melody, movement, humor, irony and drive all with a sparse but satisfying post-punk crispness. That's where the fresh and fun come in, there are no stifled "whatever" attitudes. These guys are stoked, aware and can receive and deliver energy.
Linus' first album, "the construction" is 10 diverse, worthy, well produced songs that exemplify their unadorned formative character and musical spirit. In addition to the aforementioned melange of rock, punk, jazz and alternative styles, on a couple songs I got a little essence of Joabim-- giving them a European-in-a-good-way flare. On harder edge numbers, the alchemy of the rhythm section recalls later period Descendants while the guitar layers and passionately delivered vocals have a Nirvana quality edge. They also achieve a rare but highly appreciated interplay of bass and lead guitars as-extensions-of-each-other pioneered in mid-period Meat Puppets (Up on the Sun, Out My Way). David's lyrics, delivered in engaging voice, craft a down to earth portrayal of relationships and modern life in a quirky, practical and personable light to which a listener will enjoy unfolding an interpretation.
"the construction" fulfills its promise nicely, doesn't overreach, sounds distinct and knows when to quit. In fact, Linus in general is a band that knows how to end a song so well that you are ready to soon listen again, not having been assaulted by cliche. There is not one song I would take away nor change the order of in this satisfying assemblage. Great on the open road too, before you know it-- you're there.
"the construction" is a CD that the turned-on will un-datedly listen to 10 years hence and the musicians will be able to respectfully look back on as a good representation of what they were about. I also see glimpses within "the construction" that in the studio/recording process Linus is a creative force that can enhance and grow their "core" to find new surprises and enhancements. Look forward to their "discoveries".
In 2007 Linus the Band is ready to birth a second album. Having seen them live this March as a trio, I have great hope that the song craft, energy and elevated musicianship witnessed live make it into and out of the studio. Linus the blog mentions that they are currently looking for an additional "guitarist". I assume it's to facilitate the new material as it is being laid down in the studio, but based on how they jam as a trio, I wonder if there is even a need? I do trust they're on a good track and know their business. ;) 3 or 4... don't miss 'em live.
At the recent show they showed a killer J C Staff animated movie side stage that was a fun enhancement and not a distraction to their set. That type of exploration and consideration for fans helps to explain the appreciative good vibe people that seem to populate Linus shows. One's friends say a lot about you... That is one CD release party to which I will confidently invite folks and won't miss.
Wrappin' up--- Linus the Band is on the cutting edge of a talented, unpretentious and energized revival of contemporary music nationwide. With all the world and musical history a pallet to be inspired by and draw from, they start from an original place and make diverse elements elbow into an adventurous, evocative, playful and bodygroovin' higher expression. With melody, top musicianship and character back in play-- Linus is refreshing "food" for the body, mind and spirit. I expect these are part of that rarer local breed-- musicians from the distant middle of the Pacific ocean with the potential to connect with the broader audiences across the pond. Their inspiration and jams are solid. Our poi and smiles for now. Oh, and the website is under construction.
3.20.07 Evan Tector
Monday, March 19, 2007
Updates galore...
Much news to report:
Didn't see 300 yet.
Been getting great reviews from old and new fans alike. I put up a myspace page to host my music projects...
Played a new song called "Losing Focus" at Next Door. It went over well. I'm not liking the name anymore. Wish we had a saxophone player for that song. Saxophones are selling for $400.
Getting a free portastudio from a friend.
Writing new music and having fun doing it.
Must go to beach.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Show Tonight at Ana Banana's... starts at 9pm
March, 9 2007 at Anna Bananas
2440 S. Beretania Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826
Cost : FREE
Hello again everyone. Looks like the ads are here to stay. I didn't get any negative feedback so I'm going to leave them where they are. I just checked our myspace and it looks like tonight's show is FREE! We're playing with Busekrus, The Crud, and The Whaley boys.
I hope you'll join us instead of seeing 300.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Hello Everyone...
You may have noticed that there are ads on this site now. This shit aint free you know?! oh, it is. anyway, you can now buy our first CD on paypal. It's been a really hectic month. I feel like I don't have any free time to do anything other than record. But I can't believe our luck, being able to record another CD. It's a lot of fun to think about the final product, it's another thing to take 15 takes and still not get that track.
I hope no one minds the ads, if you do, comment or send me an email and I'll see what we can do about it.
We have a show this friday at Detox, but now it's called something else. I haven't been there since they remodelled but I'm told that it looks completely different. So anyway, we're going to be playing tomorrow (i dont know what time). We are working on a new song with a saxophone. It's going to sound cool.
I hope no one minds the ads, if you do, comment or send me an email and I'll see what we can do about it.
We have a show this friday at Detox, but now it's called something else. I haven't been there since they remodelled but I'm told that it looks completely different. So anyway, we're going to be playing tomorrow (i dont know what time). We are working on a new song with a saxophone. It's going to sound cool.
Friday, March 02, 2007
There's nothing better than being covered by another musician...
I was reading through this blog tonight and I came across YMF's cover of our song Hobby Hunter so I played it for the millionth time.
It just really means a lot to me for someone to have learned all of the notes in the song (and the solo!), and to have even taken the time, that's so impressive to me.
YMF's cover of Hobby Hunter, by LINUS!
It just really means a lot to me for someone to have learned all of the notes in the song (and the solo!), and to have even taken the time, that's so impressive to me.
YMF's cover of Hobby Hunter, by LINUS!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Album Update
Last night I went to Phil's by myself to record more parts for the song "Listen UP!"
Phil mentioned that his wife could hear the guitars downstairs through what might be a crack in the ceiling. So instead of recording more guitar parts we recorded the vocals for the song. I think it came out harsh and well.
We wrapped at around 9 o'clock and I rode my bike home. I'm very happy with how this album is going (although it's a lot more ambitious). I'll keep you posted along the way. Sorry I haven't been updating the blog in a while. We've been busy looking for a new guitarist and writing new material (which is always easier when we're recording... for some reason...)
Phil mentioned that his wife could hear the guitars downstairs through what might be a crack in the ceiling. So instead of recording more guitar parts we recorded the vocals for the song. I think it came out harsh and well.
We wrapped at around 9 o'clock and I rode my bike home. I'm very happy with how this album is going (although it's a lot more ambitious). I'll keep you posted along the way. Sorry I haven't been updating the blog in a while. We've been busy looking for a new guitarist and writing new material (which is always easier when we're recording... for some reason...)
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Ready boots? We have a show tonight!
Tonight we are playing a show at Next Door. We're going to be doing something different at tonight's show. It's a surprise. Come out tonight and tell us if you like it when we're done...
Monday, February 12, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
ATTN: We're going hi-res on the new website....
If you have a tiny monitor, you just might be out of luck when we debut our new website. Our website is going to be 800 pixels wide. Not that you really care, it's just and update.
Last night we practiced at Kewalo and while the room was quite small, we made the best of the night by playing through our entire set for Tuesday night's show at Next Door. In band acquisition news, we've just purchased some new sound processors and a few pieces for the drum kit.
We're supposed to record tonight but I'm not sure I can make it (car trouble). We'll see....
Last night we practiced at Kewalo and while the room was quite small, we made the best of the night by playing through our entire set for Tuesday night's show at Next Door. In band acquisition news, we've just purchased some new sound processors and a few pieces for the drum kit.
We're supposed to record tonight but I'm not sure I can make it (car trouble). We'll see....
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
If you knew my story word for word, knew my whole history....
I know I know I know I know I know... The new website is supposed to be up today... also the computer that im writing this on will not let me type in any apostrophes... dont ask me why... ok, so the new website was supposed to be up today. ...fucking apostrophes! anyway, the new site was supposed to be up today. i dont know what to say, its been really hard coming up with something definitive during this transition time. these past few weeks ive had a lot of time to think about the past 6 years and the future... and its not making that much sense... im not sure what we are going to do in the future, im just sure that we are going to be doing something... i dont really want to control this band anymore, i want to go with the flow so to speak... i want to jump at every opportunity but i dont want to box it up and take it home every night... so, this is my informal apology to all of you fans who came to the site today to see the new website. we are really doing a lot of thinking as a band... maybe im just taking too much on with this whole website redesign... i always do...
if you go to UHM, keep an eye out for our "guitarist wanted" posters. if you know someone who would be interested in joining our band, please tell them to contact nik at or call him at 741-6450. The hunt begins now...
if you go to UHM, keep an eye out for our "guitarist wanted" posters. if you know someone who would be interested in joining our band, please tell them to contact nik at or call him at 741-6450. The hunt begins now...
Monday, January 29, 2007
Wiimote as sound controller? Sounds good to me...
This is a video from Japan where some DJ created some software to control his music with the Nintendo Wiimote. Pretty cool idea.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Live Music Blog - Podcasts
I downloaded the latest live music recording from It's a live recording of Jack White's new band The Raconteurs. The recording is really good. It was so good that I thought I'd post a link to it here.
Listen to the Raconteurs Live Set(mp3)
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