Today I heard a good radioshow on KTUH on the ride into town at 6:30am this morning. The DJ played a mashup/whatever of Bonnie Prince Billy then a mashup/whatever of Aracde Fire and the Talking Heads. It was good.
I missed practice this week (first time ever) due to my shitty, been-out-of-comission-for-several-months car. I am so desperate to get a new member to join our band. I have so many ideas right now that just can't be done with only three people. It's just not going to work that way. I was talking to nik the other day about perhaps organizing a round-table of friends/artist to take turns as interim members, but that idea was quickly squashed when I thought about the time and effort it would require to teach new parts, get acquainted with the material, etc, blah, blah, blah.
I have a good computer but I have the worst possible setup/programs. Listening to KTUH today makes me think that I want to make very expansive musical soundscapes, but owning the world's worst audio editing suite makes that very difficult to acheive.
Rant Rant Rant. I'm going to try to get my car fixed today.
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