Yesterday, my friend, who's in town for christmas and new years called me to ask me if I wanted to play music. I called Vibe Asylum and made a reservation for studio time. We convened at Sandy beach for a supposed drum circle (it was raining so it didn't happen). After he finished night swimming, we headed into town.
If you've never played music with 7 people in a room, you haven't lived. It was so much fun to just play whatever to whatever everyone else was doing. Too bad stan and nik couldn't make it though. I'm sure it would have been crazy with 9 people in that little room. I meant to take photos but I left my camera in the car. I'm thinking of getting a compact camera that I can take to shows so I can post photos on this blog.
I think we got a little carried away at the studio because the owner came in and told us that we were playing too loud.... We were. But he wasn't too pissed off about it so I don't think any harm was done. It'd be great to make this a regular thing but only time will tell.
LINUS might get together this weekend to hash out the particulars of our band. We all have new ideas that we haven't been able to express to one another because we haven't had a chance to meet up in what feels like weeks, because of christmas and new years obligations. Personally, I'm looking forward to just playing music. I got some new recording equipment that I'm going to use to record our practices. In fact, that's my new year's resolution. "I'm going to record every practice." Hear that danmerle?
Alright, this is getting too long.
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